
Please visit the Alex Foundation and help out any way you can. Check out the 'Gift Store' page where you can buy great items while helping a great cause. And if you haven't bought the book, 'Alex and Me' you are missing something special.

Click on this link to watch the parrots live at the Oasis Sanctuary. They were having a problem with the video feed and i'm not sure if they still are but sometimes you are not able to choose which aviary to watch but usually it is the African Grey aviary. In the winter, the windows are closed off.
If you are looking for anything from paintings to door signs to Christmas ornaments or art work on just about anything, you simply must check out Art By Jill. She can paint anything you like on just about anything. Below is a sign and a Christmas ornament that she did of Pickles. You can find her on Facebook

My most local rescue centre on Vancouver Island. You can help out by buying a really cool, original painting. They have the parrots making beautiful art on canvas, with non-toxic paints. Below is the one we bought.

Looking for unique bird jewelry and knickknacks? Check out Mimi's website for a wide variety of beautiful items and great prices.

Take a browse through Tracy's photo albums to see some lovely and unique clothing items.

Barbara Heidenreich's Good Bird Magazine has gone digital! A subscription to this magazine is a must! It's all about Positive Reinforcement and behavior training. Once subscribed you will have access to training videos, back issues, seminars and more.
Behavior problems? Susan Freidman and Parrot Bas will help you on a personal basis. These people are amazing, and they helped me a few years ago when Pickles was starting to have a few issues. What you learn here, will carry you through the rest of your life with your bird.
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